JASCO Smart Controls Enhance the Back-to-School Journey

In every aspect of a kids life, their parents want to pave the way to make sure they are on the journey to success. The chaos of managing routine is a whole another story that we will get into. In this era, parents are now using smart technology to make sure they everything is done smoothly and on time.

Becoming a parent is difficult because we only have four hands and a million responsibilities. So, today we will be discussing with you how smart controls have made the life of parents and kids easier.

5 Ways to Enhance Your Kids Back to School Journey

In every aspect of a kids life, their parents want to pave the way to make sure they are on the journey to success. The chaos of managing routine is a whole another story that we will get into. In this era, parents are now using smart technology to make sure they everything is done smoothly and on time. 
Becoming a parent is difficult because we only have four hands and a million responsibilities. So, today we will be discussing with you how smart controls have made the life of parents and kids easier. 
5 Ways to Enhance Your Kids Back to School Journey

It’s a Good Morning

With Jasco’s wireless timer system, you can now get your kids out and about on time. Morning time is always hectic in a house filled with kids. Hence, these smart home technologies can help you make the process quicker by scheduling lights on, blinds up, and music if you wish. As a parent, our mind boggles to a million places, so wouldn’t it be great to have a timer have our back?

The Kids Are Back Home

After a long day at school, keeping an eye on your kids while they’re at home becomes a top priority. JASCO’s motion sensing LED security light adds an extra layer of assurance. With this innovative technology, you can ensure that the surroundings of your home are well-lit and secure as your kids return from school. Moreover, the motion sensor detects any movement, triggering the LED lights to illuminate the area. This not only creates a safer environment but also saves energy by only activating when needed.

Homework Time, Bright Time

As the afternoon comes by, there could be times when you are not home. However, with Jasco smart controls, they continue to play a significant role. With dimmable smart lighting solutions, you can create an ideal study ambiance for your kids. Furthermore, adjust the intensity of the lights to minimize eye strain and maximize focus.

Every Corner has Energy Efficiency

Teaching kids about the importance of energy conservation is crucial. The Philips 6 Outlet Tap empower parents to instill these values effortlessly. With smart plugs and outlets, you can remotely manage the power supply to various devices. Did your kids leave the TV on after finishing their favorite show? No problem – simply turn it off from your smartphone. Moreover, encourage responsibility by allowing your kids to control their devices within specified limits.

Bedtime Has Been Made Easier

Wrapping up the day on a positive note is crucial for a successful back-to-school journey. Jasco’s Mechanical Time extend their benefits to bedtime routines. With programmable switches, you can create a “bedtime” setting that dims the lights, closes the blinds, and even plays soothing music. Establishing a consistent nighttime routine helps your kids wind down. Hence, ensuring a good night’s sleep and preparing them for the day ahead.

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